Discover the benefits of “Red Gold”
Crocetin (CCT) has very many healthy properties
Aphrodisiac: stimulates lust, improves appetite, animates mood and gives colour to the face.
Soothing: for menstrual cramps and menopausal discomfort, it prevents uterine cramps and helps the flow of menstruation. 0.5 grams of saffron threads can be diluted in 200 ml of milk or hot water up to twice a day.
Stimulant: the red pigments in saffron stimulate bile production, aiding the digestive process and preventing the formation of gallstones. It regulates digestion and stimulates a suppressed appetite. It is good for colic, difficult digestion and relieves gas accumulations. It is recommended to take 0.5 grams of saffron before meals (not more than 1.5 grams per day).
Antidepressant: used as an infusion to combat depression. Consuming this much sought-after spice for 6 to 8 weeks can be as effective as the drugs prescribed in cases of mild or moderate cases of depression.
Sedative: for toothache gum pain stress, and as a remedy for asthma. Due to its components, it helps to combat anxiety and nervousness. For days when you are under stress, drink a cup of infusion made from 0.5 grams of saffron threads per 250 ml of boiling water.
Antioxidant: the crocin in saffron slows the ageing of the body’s cells and improves overall health. It can be a beneficial supplement for people with diabetes, and acts as a preventative for cardiovascular disease by lowering cholesterol.
Anti-degenerative: it improves memory and cognitive and learning skills it is highly recommended for people suffering from Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. Safranal, which is the aromatic component of saffron, slows down the degeneration of the photoreceptor cells in the eyes, improves the function of the retina and the blood vessels in the eye.
Anti-carcinogenic: it helps to slow tumour growth, extending life expectancy. It also reduces kidney damage caused by some drugs.
Saffron can also help in cases of hypertension, obesity, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s disease. It increases insulin sensitivity, it is an anti-inflammatory, digestive aid, and it improves memory and learning, erectile dysfunction and premenstrual syndrome.
Recommendations for use
Method 1: Grind the strands
Grind the strands with a pestle and mortar or by hand using a non-stick paper. Then use according to the recipe.
Method 2: Grind + Infuse the strands
Crush the strands with a pestle and mortar or by hand using a non-stick paper. Add hot water and leave to infuse for 10mins.
For rice and similar dishes
Use 7 threads per person. Use method 2 and add the infusion just after the rice or with the cooking stock.
For marinades, stews, sauces, purées, creams, stir-fries, scrambled eggs, omelettes and batters
Use 10 strands for 4 persons. Use method 1.
– Sofrito: add the saffron at the end of cooking, so that it does not burn.
– Scrambled eggs and omelettes: add to the raw egg before beating.
– Marinades: simply add the strands to the marinade liquid.
– Coatings, creams, purées and sauces: add the strands directly to the mix.
– Stews: add the saffron at the beginning of cooking or in the last 3 minutes if you want more aroma.
For sweets, ice cream, chocolates, sponge cake, cupcakes, custards, creams and fillings.
From 12 strands according to the recipe. Preferably using method 1.
– Add at the beginning together with the liquid.
– In custards or creams, add them to the milk or cream and simmer together.